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  The Metro Lawdawgs was establlished in 2003. The entire concept came from a group of officers assigned to the 20's district at Central Midnights.
     The idea was to create a football team that could represent the police department. Officers regardless of rank were to come together as a team. Lt. Melvin Brown was chosen to Head coach the first metro Lawdawgs Football team. All of the practices , games and hard work were to be done on each officers own time. This football team represents the dream of many ex athletes who would like to play "just one more time". Some of the players involved did not get the chance to play in school and  can have their second chance to  play the beloved game.
     The positive image this team reflects on the police department, mirrors the pride of being a Metro Police Officer.




Bart Rader
Tony Bourk
Doug Vinson
Steve Reece

